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Volunteer Program

Mahalo for your interest in volunteering at Kamaile Academy. We are thrilled to welcome all parents, family, and community members to our campus to help with our students.


By reading through and signing the Volunteer Code of Conduct and completing the Volunteer Registration Form, we will be able to match your availability, interests, and skills with our activities at the school. We will contact you as soon as we find a suitable match. If you have any questions, please contact the Navigators' Center staff.

Community Partners: INPEACE


While our school has always welcomed the support of community volunteers, the new structure implemented through the Navigators’ Center at the beginning of SY2011-2012 strives to serve as the central support system for everyone volunteering on our campus. A website allows anyone interested in participating in community service at our school to review the volunteer policies, submit a detailed registration form, and then log their hours once they have been approved by the school’s administration. The ‘Ohana Programs Coordinator performs a background check on all applicants including a check of public records and all pertinent student information held by the school. The school principal, typically through an in-person interview, personally screens any applicant who displays any issue before being allowed to work on campus.

A parallel online system allows faculty and staff members to request volunteers for various duties around campus. Teachers, office staff, and facilities personnel have all utilized this program to receive assistance with tasks ranging from reading with students in the classroom to helping paint the exteriors of new classroom buildings. Many volunteers have been involved family and community members, but we have also been able to support individuals earning hours for the First-to-Work state assistance program, Foster Grandparents program of the Corporation for National & Community Service, education programs at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, and programs through other local nonprofit organizations. Official community partners of the Navigators’ Center often promote the volunteer opportunities at Kamaile to their clients.

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